
E9 Virtually Perfect Interview

Dr Michael Grieves speaking on his book Virtually Perfect

In todays rapidly evolving design, manufacturing and service landscape companies face pressures to increase innovation, reduce costs and deliver outstanding value to customers. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and digital twins is one approach in achieving this. In this interview (recorded December 2024) we had the opportunity to sit down with author of Virtually Perfect, Dr Michael Grieves, and discuss his book we have been reading for the last year.

Dr Grieves is acknowledged as a world export on PLM and has consulted and/or done research with leading international manufacturers such as NASA, Boeing and General Motors. He has over five decades of executive and technical experience in technology and manufacturing companies, and is credited with originating the concept of digital twins.

As we dig into his latest thoughts on his book and what is happening in the PLM and digital twin landscape, here are some highlights from the interview:

  • The concept of digital twins breaks down if multiple departments in a company have their own digital twin! It all needs to be connected so data can be quickly gathered as needed from the entire organisation. A connected digital twin will allow fast loops through the whole lifecycle with all functional owners involved to ensure what is sold is what the customer gets. This connectedness increases efficiency and allows for faster decision making.

  • Knowing the difference between processes and practices is important for an organisation. Not everything is a process (i.e. crank the handle and you will get a defined output). Lots of things are practices (i.e. the person you go to in the organisation who is fixes things when you have a problem). Trying to make everything a process can be a frustrating and maybe even futile effort.

  • To implement a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) approach well, a vision and effective communication in the organisation are needed. Making course corrections along the way will be important too. When it’s reality vs vision; reality always wins.

This brings to an end our series on the book Virtually Perfect by Dr Michael Grieves. We hope you have enjoyed and learnt new concepts and ideas about a PLM framework. We look forward to bringing new content in 2025!

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